Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Bible and kids...

I am pretty passionate about the Word of God.  I believe kids can get a passion for it, too, and that's what we are doing in the ministry at my church this winter.  We are learning the books of the Bible, but more than that, we are memorizing Scripture together and learning why it is important to "Hide the Word" in our hearts.  It is sometimes a difficult concept to practice with kids...but it is important and they will get it!

Knowing God’s Word helps children to make wise decisions in their lives.  When they know Scripture and understand it, they know how to live by it.  The Bible says we are in the world, but not of the world.  We are set apart and different and holy.  There are a lot of things that speak into the lives of your kids and challenge a biblical world view.  I know we cannot stop every voice that speaks to the kids, but we can live our lives pointing to God’s Word.  The Bible should be the filter we should view the world through!  I pray that we can all discover the Word more this year!  I have challenged myself to read through the Bible and do a Bible Study every 6 weeks of 2011. 

This is what Jim Wideman says about the Word of God:
"Just like the church needs a biblical vision for reaching children, so does the family.  Have you ever asked God for what He wants for your family?  I realized that God designed the family to put His
Word into future generations.  So if God gives us the desires of our hearts, what is your desire and
goals for your children?  For me, I wanted our family to be close.  I wanted them to love the Lord with all
their heart and love the Word.  In fact, I wanted them to love the Bible so much that it was 
what they based every choice in their life on."

I love that and want my life to be like that...that I would love the Bible soo much that it is what I base every choice of my life on...I think the more kids see adults model this behavior, they will "get it" and know it is the "real deal"!!  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The most important job!

As you all know, I do not have any children (but I will one day! I will just declare that right now!), but I read parenting books and articles anyway!  I feel like it helps me plan and prepare to work with your children J  Right now, I am reading Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect your family to a wider community by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof.  They both help to produce the Sunday School curriculum we are using at the church!  I recommend the book to all parents, or grandparents, or people like me, who don’t have kids yet but will one day!  You will find few things I want to highlight about the book below:

Encouragement for you to establish a lifestyle as a parent:

Widen the Circle…Invite others to invest in your children, so your sons and daughters have other voices that will help share and determine the direction of their lives.
Imagine the End…focus your energy and effort on the issues that will make a lasting impact.
Fight for the Heart…create a culture of unconditional love in your home to fuel the emotional and moral health of your children.
Create a Rhythm…tap into the power of quality moments together, and build a sense of purpose through your everyday experiences.
Make it Personal…Allow your kids to see how you strive to grow so they can understand how to confront their own limitations and pursue character and faith.

I want to be a resource, a help and someone who prays for you.  I pray that by the Spirit of God, you would know His love and know He has called you and equipped you for every good thing….especially to be a parent, which is the most important job you could EVER have!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Junior Jesus?

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14

This verse from Matthew has been on my mind lately.  Thinking about how Jesus called the children to Him when all the others, even the disciples, did not want to be bothered by them.  Yet, Jesus always finds the good in everything, and everyone.  He wanted them to come near to Him.  What I love about this is that He made children with a faith that is so true because it has not been tainted by the world yet.  He desires for each of us to become like children in our faith, not being hindered or held back by the world, but pressing on and coming into true relationship with our Savior.  My favorite part of the verse is at the end: for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.  The Kingdom is available to all!  There is no “Junior Jesus” for kids…He wants them now, to know Him, to understand who He is!  And the Kingdom is for them just as much as it is for everyone else!  

He also chose to speak directly about this, He did not speak in a parable about this.  He really wants us to understand this, without any confusion!  Kids are NOT to be excluded from God!  He wants them to be a part of His Kingdom!  

Be encouraged that you are leading your family and your children every time you bring them to church and pray with them and discuss the things of God with them.  They are impacted not only now in this moment, but for all of eternity!!  That’s why I do what I do, to impact eternity.  Let’s partner together and do this for the next generation, that they may really know Jesus!!